The Silk Road Project Team is dedicated to computational studies of the evolution of planetary systems, star clusters, galaxies and galactic nuclei, black holes and gravitational wave emission. Our main project nodes are Beijing and Suzhou, China (NAOC, KIAA, and XJTLU) and Heidelberg, Germany (ARI/ZAH); at NAOC we are part of the Galaxy and Cosmology Group, see Silk Road Link there. We collaborate closely with institutions and colleagues from Kiev (Ukraine), Almaty (Kazakhstan) and several other countries (e.g. Chile, Italy, UK, Pakistan, Austria,...). We are dedicated to teach for general and custom supercomputing facilities (e.g. GPU clusters) about their use in computational astrophysics. We have built special clusters in Ukraine, Germany, and China.
Silk Road pageviews since March 2023 ; pageviews 2015-2022
Our research team and projects are a bridge between China and Germany, with links to Asia, Europe, Americas ...
...through this bridge we exchange students, knowledge, scientists... together for new technologies, and also for mutual cultural respect and understanding...
Our Main Research Projects are:
Binary Supermassive Black Holes and Gravitational Waves in Quiet and Active Galactic Nuclei
Dynamical Evolution of Stars and Gas in Galactic Nuclei and Dense Star Clusters
How are planetary systems forming and evolving (in star clusters)?
How can we design supercomputers which are faster and consume less energy?
Education and Workshops in Computational and Theoretical Astrophysics, Parallel Programming and Accelerated Computing
Have a look at our Publications and Collaborations