Draft Agenda Informal Mini-Workshop
Stellar Dynamics/Stellar Evolution/Single/Binary Stars/…
Monday to Thursday, Oct. 14-17 KIAA and NAOC
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Monday, Oct. 14, 15:30-18, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Rainer Spurzem: Welcome and LIGO events in DRAGON simulations
Bhusan Kayastha: Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters with White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes using the GPU Supercomputer
Grzegorz Wiktorowicz: The hidden population of ULXs
Pau Amaro-Seoane: Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (X-MRIs)
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 14-17, KIAA Seminar Room 208
Mirek Giersz: Dissolution of tidally filling star clusters harbouring black hole subsystems
Francesco Rizzuto: Formation of massive objects in star clusters
Agostino Leveque: Preliminary study of Extra-Galactic globular clusters and embedded gas globular clusters with MOCCA
Qi Shu: Some current questions on data analysis of Dragon simulations
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 11:30-13:30, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Richard de Grijs: Towards an improved local distance framework
Jarrod Hurley: single and binary stellar evolution (SSE and BSE) developments
Zhongmu Li: Binary Populations in Star Clusters
- Stamatis Vretinaris: On Neutron Star Mergers
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 18-20, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Social Meeting with Snacks and Drinks
Thursday, Oct. 17, 10-12, KIAA Seminar Room 208:
Shuo Li: Supermassive black holes and stellar objects in galaxy mergers
Alejandro Torres-Orjuela: Gravitational Waves from Fast-Moving Sources
Francesco Flammini: Planetary systems in star clusters
Albrecht Kamlah: Data analysis for galactic center DRAGON