
Dynamics of Planetary Systems in Star Clusters: Francesco Flammini Dotti, Leonard Benkendorff, Rainer Spurzem, in SPP1992

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One expects that SMBHs in galactic nuclei should harbour both stars and gas. The former can be modelled as a star cluster while the latter most likely forms a disc around the central object. The evolution of mass and spin of the central SMBH depends crucially on the way mass is accreted through the disc, which, in turns, depends not only on the disc properties but also on the star-disc interaction.

People involved: Luca Naso, Rainer Spurzem, Peter Berczik, Gareth Kennedy; Hzi-Yu Schive, Harry Sun.

The basic idea of multi-phase model is using different phases to describe the corresponding components in the galaxy. Such as in our current model, high temperature (> 10^4 K), low density (< 0.1 / cm^3) hot/warm diffuse gas are modeled using the standard SPH method. 

The cold components (cold clouds) are described with the "sticky" particle scheme, in which particles are N-body like and can collide and coagulate. Besides these, stars and dark matters are described as N-body particles. These components can interact with each other. Stars are born in cold clouds, as is suggested by observations. Their feedback will heat the surrounding cold and hot gas, and metal enrich them. Cold clouds and hot gas can exchange mass, momentum and energy by condensation and evaporation.

By dealing these processes carefully, we can get more reasonable result compared with the popular simple single phase model.

People involved: Liu Lei, Rainer Spurzem, Peter Berczik; Gerhard Hensler, Mykola Petrov, Hsi-Yu Schive.

Tidal disruption of stars by SMBHs is a tool to study the property of BHs. We want to know what the disruption rate is, how it is correlated with the surrounding stellar distribution, the motion of the BH. And we tested the classic loss-cone theory using our simulated data.

People involved: Shiyan Zhong, Peter Berczik, Rainer Spurzem.


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