
Volkswagen Trilateral Project 3rd Meeting
Dynamical Mechanisms of Accretion in Galactic Nuclei
Joint Meeting with China-Kazakhstan collaboration
via zoom, Sep. 6-8, 2021 (all times in CEST = UTC + 2)
(zoom room communicated by email)

Organizers: Rainer Spurzem (ARI/ZAH,NAOC), Andreas Just (ARI/ZAH), Peter Berczik (MAO), Evgeni Polyachenko (INASAN), Chingis Omarov (FAA), Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev (NU), Li Shuo (NAOC), Thijs M.B.N. Kouwenhoven (XJTLU)

Mode of Talks: 25 minutes, 5 minutes discussion.

Sep. 6: 13:00: Welcome, project and personal introduction:

Rainer Spurzem, organizers, all;

with: Remembering Emmanuil Vilkoviski (by R. Spurzem)


Sep. 6: 13:30 - 16:30 (Monday afternoon, Chair: Rainer Spurzem)

Session 1: Multiple Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH), Mergers

13:30: Peter Berczik, Main Astronomical Observatory, Kiev, Ukraine:
Double & Triple SMBH evolution in galaxy centers. New hybrid code approaches and performance tests.
14:00: Shuo Li, NAOC Beijing, China:
Tracing the Evolution of SMBH and Stellar Objects in Galaxy Mergers
14:30: Marina Ishchenko, Main Astronomical Observatory, Kiev, Ukraine: 
Life circle of Triple Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 6240
15:00 -15:30 Break

15:30: Branislav Avramov:

Properties of stars scattered by an SMBH binary in the late evolutionary phase including PN corrections
16:00: Andreas Just:
On the formation and evolution of triple SMBHs in the IllustrisTNG cosmology

 After 16:30: open free discussion, if requested.

Sep. 7: 09:30 – 12:00 (Tuesday morning, Chair: Andreas Just)

Session 2: Stability, Star Cluster Dissolution

09:30: Evgenii Polyachenko, INASAN, Moscow, Russia:
On damping in stellar medium
10:00: Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev, Nazarbaev Univ., Nursultan City, Kazakhstan:
Ongoing project on star cluster dissolution
10:30: Olga Borodina, Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia:

On the density distribution of bound clusters after residual star-forming gas expulsion: Zhao profiles

11:00 – 12:00 : Internal Planning Meeting Volkswagen Trilateral Project

(Not public)

Sep. 7: 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break

Sep. 7: 13:00 – 17:00 (Tuesday Afternoon, Chair: Peter Berczik)

Session 3: Tidal Disruption Events, nuclear star clusters, galactic nuclei

13:00: Rainer Spurzem, ARI/ZAH, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany:
Modelling of Star Accretion on Central Black Holes in Star Clusters
13:30: Shiyan Zhong, Yunnan Observatory, CAS, Kunming, China:
Revisit the rate of tidal disruption event: the role of the partial tidal disruption event

14:00 Dominik Schleicher, Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Concepción, Chile:
Accretion and collisions in nuclear star clusters
14:30: Taras Panamarev:

Stellar disks in Galactic nuclei

15:00 – 15:30: Break

Session 4: Astrophysics in Kazakhstan, AGN discs, wind, and jet

15:30: Chingis Omarov/Maxim Makukov/Denis Yurin, Fesenkov Astrophysical Observatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan: 
(1) Elliptical galaxies: Structure, dynamics and sources for gravitational waves
(2) Development of the national Virtual Observatory based on robotic telescopes, Big Data technologies and high-performance computing
(3) Development of the national system for Space Situational Awareness (SSA): monitoring of near-earth and deep space and space weather.

16:00: Bidisha Bandyopadhyay, Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Concepción, Chile:
General relativistic radiation transport: Implications for VLBI/EHTobservations of AGN discs, winds and jets.

Sep. 8: 09:30 – 11:00 (Wednesday morning, Chair: Evgenii Polyachenko)

Session 5: Stellar and Intermediate Mass Black Holes, Gravitational Waves

09:30: Sambaran Banerjee, Argelander Inst., Univ. Bonn, Germany:
Merger rate density of stellar-mass binary black holes from young massive clusters, open clusters, and isolated binaries
10:00: Manuel Arca Sedda, ARI/ZAH, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany:
Breaching the limit: merging stellar and intermediate-mass black holes in young massive clusters
10:30: Margarita Sobolenko, Main Astronomical Observatory, Kiev, Ukraine:
Spinning binary black hole mergers in galactic GC's and gravitational wave signals.

11:00: Farewell


The 2nd Workshop of the Volkswagen Trilateral Project on ``Accretion Processes in Galactic Nuclei'' took place at the ARI (Astronomisches Rechen-Institut) in Heidelberg, Germany, from May 6-8, 2019, in the seminar room of ARI.




Monday, 6.5.19:
10:30 Coffee and Welcome
11:00 Bransilav Avramov: 3-body encounters in SMBH binaries
11:30 Margaryta Sobolenko: Recent research results
12:00 Oleksandr Veles: Progress in code development


Tuesday, 7.5.19:
11:00 Coffee and PI meeting for budget


Wednesday, 8.5.19:
14:00 Sergey Khoperskov: recent simulations with the hydorcode
15:00 discussion for preparing the VW meeting in Radebeul (near Dresden) on May 13 - 15
16:15 Teeminar: Nazanin Davari: Dynamics of binary stars hosting planets in the vicinity of Sgr A* black hole

 Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK12) meeting

Exploring the Frontiers of Dynamical Astronomy with High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Leading-Edge Observational Techniques

 hosted by

Energetic Cosmos Laboratory at Nazarbayev University (ECL/NU)

in Astana, Kazakhstan

May 20-24, 2024

The workshop aims to bring together experts and researchers in the field of dynamical astronomy to explore the latest advancements facilitated by high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and cutting-edge observational techniques. It will be an excellent platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and discussing the future directions of research in this dynamic field. While the workshop bears the name "Korea-China-Kazakhstan meeting," its scope and reach extend far beyond these three countries. Researchers from any country with an interest in the topics covered are enthusiastically welcome to participate.


The program and abstract booklet are available. Presentations of talks are available here

The public talk's video is available on YouTube.

Conference group photos are available on OneDrive or Google Drive.

Key Topics include the following (but not limited to):

  • Stellar dynamics from Open clusters to galactic nuclei

  • Compact objects in stellar systems (black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs)

  • Star Formation and Stellar Evolution

  • Gravitational Waves

  • Planetary Systems

  • Interstellar medium

  • High-performance computing and Artificial Intelligence in Dynamical Astronomy

  • Leading-Edge Observational Techniques


Important Dates:

  • Registration Starts: February 1, 2023

  • Abstract Submission Stars: February 1, 2023

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: March 20, 2024 (Deadline is extended)

  • Abstract Selection Deadline: April 10, 2024

  • Registration Deadline: April 30, 2024


The conference will take place in block C3, room 1009 (ground floor) of Nazarbayev University

Address: 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., (Block C3), Astana, Kazakhstan

Find the venue on the maps: Google Maps, Baidu Map, Yandex Maps, 2GIS.kz

Find the venue from hotel:

Campus Access Map from Hotel

Recommended Hotels:

The participants should reserve their accommodations themselves. Online services like Booking.com and Trip.com are working well in Kazakhstan. You can pay your bills with Bank cards like VISA, MasterCard, and UnionPay anywhere in Kazakhstan.

You can find the list of recommended hotels (but it is not limited to) in the following document: Hotels.docx  


The venue is not too far from Nursultan Nazarbayev Airport. You can use public transport (buses) or a taxi to get to the venue or your hotel. Information on public transport will be posted soon.

For a taxi, you can use the Yandex Taxi service, which is the most convenient and safe type of transportation. Download the app from Google Play Market or Apple App Store. In this app, you can use your bank card to pay. 


The registration is over.

In case you have any trouble with the registration, you can contact us via email at kck12 _at_ nu.edu.kz 


List of registered participants with talks, posters, and titles:

Available in the following file:
List of participants (as of May 20, 2024)

Scientific Organizing Committee*:

Kanat Baigarin (ECL/NU)

Rainer Spurzem (ARI/ZAH, NAOC/CAS, KIAA/PKU)

Chingis Omarov (FAI)

Hyung Mok Lee (SNU)

Thijs (M.B.N.) Kouwenhoven (XJTLU)

Zhongmu Li (Dali U)

Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev (HWU/ZU, ECL/NU, FAI)


Local Organizing Committee:

Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev

Ernazar Abdikamalov

Toktarkhan Komesh

Dana Alina

Mukhagali Kalambay

Sultan Abylkairov

Dina Valeyeva


*Abbreviations of affiliations:

ECL/NU - Energetic Cosmos Laboratory at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan

ARI/ZAH - Astronomisches Rechen-Institut at Zentrum fuer Astronomie der Universitaet Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

NAOC/CAS - National Astronomical Observatories of China/ Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

KIAA/PKU - Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, Beijing, China

FAI – Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan

SNU – Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

XJTLU – Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou, China

Dali U – Dali University, Dali, China

HWU/ZU - Heriot-Watt University branch at Zhubanov University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan


Link to the previous meeting:




11th Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK) workshop on stellar dynamics and related fields
 (star clusters, stellar evolution, gravitational waves, black holes in galaxies, planetary systems)

hosted by

Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)

Daejeon, Rep. of Korea (Dec. 12/13, 2019)


Scientific Organizers:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (KASI/SNU), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (NAOC/KIAA), Thijs (M.B.N.) Kouwenhoven (XJTLU), and Chingis Omarov (NCSRT)

Venue/Accommodation/Program: Please see the NIMS Webpage; (program link down the page)it includes the current program.

Arrival Information: see this link.

List of Participants with Title (alphabetic order family name within countries):


Kimitake Hayasaki (Chungbuk U, Cheongju): Neutrino emissions from an accretion disk in a tidal disruption event

Jongsuk Hong (Yonsei U, Seoul): Binary black hole mergers from globular clusters with an intermediate mass black hole

... (tbc)


Peter Berczik (NAOC, Beijing and MAO, Kiev): Numerical modelling of Star Clusters and Black Holes in galaxies with Post Newtonian N-body codes

Licai Deng (NAOC, Beijing): Time domain studies of open clusters

Francesco Flammini (XJTLU, Suzhou): The fate of planetary systems in different star cluster environments

Bhusan Kayastha (NAOC, Beijing): Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters with White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes using the GPU Supercomputer

Shuo Li (NAOC, Beijing): Supermassive Black Holes and stellar objects in galaxy mergers

Maria Rah (RIIAM, Maragheh City, Iran and NAOC Beijing): Applicability of the results of  NBODY simulation in ATLAS simulation

Katja Reichert (Heidelberg U and NAOC Beijing): How planetary systems are shaped by their birthplace

Qi Shu (KIAA, PKU): Some current questions on data analysis of Dragon simulations

Rainer Spurzem (NAOC, Beijing and Heidelberg U): LIGO detections in DRAGON simulations, and news from stellar evolution in N-Body simulations

Changshuo Yan (NAOC, Beijing): Using Supermassive Black Holes in the Pulsar Timing Array band as standard sirens to constrain dark energy

Shenghua Yu (NAOC, Beijing): Gravitational wave signals from ultracompact X-ray sources

Shiyan Zhong (YNAO, Kunming): The orbital eccentricity and penetration factor of the tidally disrupted stars


Mukhagali Kalambay (Al-Farabi U, Almaty): Dynamics of Rotating Galactic Nuclei with Central Black Hole

Taras Panamarev (Fesenkov Obs., Almaty): Direct N-Body Simulations of the Galactic Center

Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev (Nazarbaev U, Nur-Sultan City): The life of bound clusters from the formation till dissolution

Program Structure: Wednesday, December 11:


Day 1: Thursday, December 12:

09:30 - 10:00 Registration

10:00 - 10:10 Open Remark

10:10 - 10:40 Talk 1

10:40 - 11:20 Talk 2

11:20 - 11:40 Discussion

11:40 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:40 Talk 3

13:40 - 14:20 Talk 4

14:20 - 15:00 Talk 5

15:00 - 15:20 Discussion

15:30 - 15:50 Break

15:50 - 16:30 Talk 6

16:30 - 17:10 Talk 7

17:10 - 17:30 Discussion

Day 2: Friday, December 13:

10:00 - 10:40 Talk 8

10:10 - 10:40 Talk 9

10:40 - 11:20 Talk 10

11:20 - 11:40 Discussion

11:40 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:30 Discussion & Summary

13:30 - 13:40 Closing Remark

14:00 – 18:00 Free Discussions (Group Breakout)

Saturday, December 14:


Link to previous meeting:


International Workshop of Dali University and Silk Road Project Beijing

Sino-German and Sino-Austrian meeting

Sep. 4-6, 2019

Dali University, 大理大学

at Dali, Yunnan, China


NEW: Link to Conference Photos:  Hires Lowres


 For arrival information and how to get to hotel take this link:



For (nearly) final program new link here for download!


For general travel and local information link here for download!


Follow this Link: List of Participants

Scientific Organizers:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Dali U), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (NAOC/KIAA, Beijing/Heidelberg), M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven (XJTLU, Suzhou), Gerhard Hensler (U Vienna), Chingis Omarov (NCSRT, Almaty)


Accommodation and financial support: It is is expected that ALL participants take care of their travel and accommodation expenses by their own funds. The local organizers offer help for hotel reservation, see registration form below. In exceptional cases there may be some accommodation support for students or young postdoc, or through special cooperation programs (Kazakhstan, Austria), please talk to organizers, or the responsible project leader (Rainer Spurzem for Kazakhstan and Austria), if not yet done so.


Please note that we have to charge a modest registration fee, which is 500 CNY for a student (bring valid student ID) and 900 CNY for a staff. The registration fee is for food and coffee break only; it will be collected at the registration desk by cash, Alipay, Wechat pay, or credit card on 4th Sep. 9:00-21:00 at Lanlinge Hotel.

Venue: The meeting will be held at the Lanlinge (Landscape)  hotel in the old town of Dali http://www.landscapehoteldali.com/ ; information about transport will follow later here.




This workshop brings together the teams and collaborators of the Sino-German collaboration on the  "Systematic study of stellar populations in star clusters" (DFG/NSFC, Dali Univ. Zhongmu Li/Heidelberg Univ. Rainer Spurzem), the Sino-Austrian collaboration (U Vienna, G. Hensler/R. Spurzem), the China-Kazakhstan collaboration (Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute Almaty, C. Omarov/R. Spurzem), and the teams of Silk Road Project (XJTLU Suzhou, T. Kouwenhoven/Beijing/...) and Dali University.  With the help of dynamical simulations of star clusters, advanced stellar population synthesis and dynamical studies of star clusters are combined; models of star clusters with binaries and planetary systems are presented; dynamics of galaxies and galactic nuclei, with gas, stars, and black holes. We focus also on investigation of star clusters with both photometry and spectroscopy methods, used equally for observational and simulation data.






List of Participants:


Participants of Sino-German/Sino-Austria Workshop Dali, Sep. 4-6 2019
Name Institution Country/Affiliation
Rainer Spurzem Heidelberg U/NAOC Germany/China
Zhongmu Li Dali U China
Shuo Li NAOC China
Jiaxin Wang BNU China
Mohammad Mardini NAOC Jordan/China
Chichun Zhou Dali U China
Yanhui Chen Chuxiong Normal U China
Guilan Luo Dali U China
Huanbin Chi KUST China
Francesco Paolo Rizzuto Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik Italy/Germany
Xiuming Xu XJTLU Suzhou China
Francesco Maria Flammini Dotti XJTLU Suzhou Italy/China
Qi Shu KIAA/Peking University China
Yohai Meiron University of Toronto Canada
Matthias Kuehtreiber University of Vienna Austria
Gerhard HENSLER University of Vienna Austria
Bhusan Kayastha UCAS/NAOC Nepal/China
Shiyan Zhong YNAO China
Xin ping Zhou YNAO/Dali U China
Ma, Yingxin Shanghai NU/Dali U China
Yangyang Deng Shanghai NU/Dali U China
Wenchang Zhao Dali U China
Jing Chen Dali U China
Gang Li Dali U China
Hongfei Liang Yunnan Normal U China
Jian Hu Dali U China











Dali located in the southwest of China and about 350 km of Kunming which is the capital of Yunnan province. There are direct fights to Dali from Beijing and Shanghai. Or you can take the flight to Kunming and then from Kunming to Dali by plane (about one hour trip) or by high-speed train (about two hours trip). We list the flight information during the workshop below. Please check the Ctrip website for more flight information.


Flight information from major Chinese cities to Dali and returns






Sep. 3th



CA1419    06:25—10:10





MU9724   06:40—10:25





MU9726 13:40—17:15





MU5943   07:15—08:15





CZ8028   09:20—10:20





MU5734   17:15—18:15


Sep. 4th



CA1419    06:25—10:10





MU9724   06:40—10:25





MU9726   13:40—17:15





MU5943   07:20—08:15





MU5734   17:15—18:15


Sep. 7th



CA1420   11:20—14:45





MU9723  19:05—22:30





MU9725  18:00—21:25





MU5944   15:55—17:05





CZ8027   07:20—08:20





MU5737   10:15—11:15


Sep. 8th



CA1420   11:20—14:45





MU9723  19:05—22:30





MU9725  18:00—21:25





MU5944   15:55—17:00





CZ8027   07:20—08:20





MU5737   10:15—11:25



The high-speed train from Kunming to Dali and returns

The high-speed train from Kunming to Dali and returns are very frequent (around every half hour from 7:40 am to 9:00 pm) and convenient (about 2 hours trip). Please note there are three strain stations in Kunming, all the trains from Kunming to Dali depart from the Kunming station. You can check the train schedule from the website here.

Intra-city traffic

The workshop will held in the Landscape Hotel (Chinese name: Lanlinge Hotel) . Landscape Hotel is located at No. 96 Yuer Road, the ancient city of Dali, which is adjacent to Erhai Lake in the East and Cangshan Mountain in the west. It is the only hotel in the ancient city of Dali to display the different patterns of Bai architecture in Bai courtyard style.


The map around landscape Hotel, restaurants and other useful spots are marked on the map


You can get to the hotel by city transportation or taxi from the airport or railway station. We list the Intra-city traffic information, please check it.



About Dali

Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture is located in the west-central part of Yunnan Province, with an elevation of 2090 meters, is a city with natural scenery, national characteristics and historical background. Dali has spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. Nearby are the ancient city of Dali and the spectacular Chongsheng Buddhist Temple with its three miraculous pagoda towers. One hundred miles to the north is another beautiful ancient city, Lijiang, a UNESCO Heritage Site, framed by the 18,000 foot Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and roughly thirty miles away from that is the Lijiang Station of the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory with its 2.4-meter telescope.

Dali has beautiful mountains and rivers, the most beautiful and clear lake in the whole southwestern region-Erhai Lake, and the beautiful and magnificent scenery of Cangshan and Laojunshan.


The view of Cangshan and Erhai


Dali Ancient City has been built for more than 1200 years, with Erhai Lake in the East and Cangshan Mountain in the west, forming a chessboard pattern of "one water around Cangshan, Cangshan embracing the ancient city". The cultural atmosphere here is rich, and friends from all over the world gather. It is an excellent place for sightseeing, vacation and literary and artistic exchanges.


The view of Dali Ancient City


The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple is a national 5A scenic spot. Chongsheng Temple is currently the largest single monastery of Han Dynasty in China. From 937 to 1253, among the 22 kings of Dali Dynasty, there were nine Kings who were Zen monasteries and then monks. Therefore, Chongsheng Temple enjoys the reputation of "Royal Monastery" and "Buddhist Capital".


View of Chongsheng Temple