July 2012: At Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Institute for Advanced Simulation at the Research Center Jülich in Germany a new GPU supercomputer has been put into service. Its name is "Milky Way", together with the already existing installation JUDGE there are 200 nodes (with two Intel 6 core CPU's each) and 400 Fermi M2070 and M2050 GPUs, for a peak speed of 400 Teraflop/s single precision (200 double).
The GPU cluster is dedicated to users of the Collaborative Research Center "The Milky Way System", which German Science Foundation (DFG) has opened at the University of Heidelberg. Project P.I. of the cluster is Prof. Rainer Spurzem, who is also the leader of Silk Road Project here in Beijing. An article in the special journal INSIDE of the European Supercomputing Centers describes how important the collaboration and experience with GPU clusters in China and Silk Road Project has been for getting the new system. It is yet another indication that "standard" supercomputing centers are beginning to explore the capabilities of GPU accelerated supercomputing.