First Project Meeting at ARI Heidelberg, Germany, May 31 - June 1, 2017
Seminar Room 2 (Basement ARI), 13-16:30 (Wed), 13-15:30 (Thu)
Trilateral Cooperation Germany/Ukraine/Russia funded by Volkswagen Foundation:
Dynamical mechanisms of accretion in galactic nuclei
P.I.s: R。 Spurzem, A. Just (ARI Heidelberg), E. Polyachenko (INASAN, Moscow), P. Berczik (MAO, Kiev)
Wednesday, May 31:
13:00 Rainer Spurzem and P.I.s; Welcome/Project Presentation/Overview/Plan
13:30: Evgenii Polyachenko: Linear theory predictions (here also download of: Talk E.P. given in Nov. 2017 in Princeton)
14:00: Peter Berczik: Dynamical mechanisms of accretion in galactic nuclei (here youtube video of: Talk P.B. given in Nov. 2017 in Princeton)
14:30: Coffee Break
15:00 Sergey Khoperskov: New models of AGN disks Movie1 Movie2
15:30 Fabian Klein: Progress of high performance simulations of an accretion disk surrounding a supermassive black hole
16:00 Rainer plus other P.I.s; Summary for Trilateral/Next Plans
16:30 CLOSED Session P.I.s: Financial and Administrative Planning
17:00 END
Thursday, June 1:
13:00: Sara Rastello: Dynamical study of the MW Nuclear Stellar Cluster and its Secular Evolution
13:30: Manuel Arca Sedda: The MEGaN project: investigating the evolution of galactic nuclei and their environment
14:00: Taras Panamarev: Direct N-body simulation of the Galactic Centre
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00: Rainer Spurzem: Tidal Disruption Events in Galacti Nuclei
15:30: Farewell and End