8th Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK) workshop on stellar dynamics and related fields
(star clusters, stellar evolution, gravitational waves, black holes in galaxies)
Dec 19 (10:00 a.m.) - 21 (12:30 p.m.), 2016, Kunming, Yunnan (on invitation by YNAO).
Hosted and organized by Jinming Bai (YNAO), Hyung Mok Lee (SNU), Rainer Spurzem (NAOC/KIAA), and Chingis Omarov (NCSRT).
Scientific Program with links to talk slides go here....
Link to Conference Picture (thanks to Jianguo Wang)...
Venue: University of Science and Engineering (昆明理工大学), north of city center Kunming (accommodation on campus in Wenhui Hotel 昆明文汇酒店). (All subject to final confirmation); see this link for maps.
Interested Participants please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Rainer Spurzem), Subject: KCK meeting
For Local Organisation please contact Mr. Jianguo WANG 王建国<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Expected Participants (as of Dec. 13, 2016):
(Name convention: Given Names First, Family Name Last)
1. Korea (as of list sent Oct. 20)
Hyung Mok Lee (Professor, Seoul National University)
Kimitake Hayasaki (Professor, Chungbook National University, Citizen of Japan)
Kyungwon Chun (Grad. Student, Kyung Hee University)
- So-Myoung Park (Grad. Student, Kyung Hee University)
Kihyuk Cho (Grad。 Students Seoul National University)
Hangil Choi (Grad。 Students Seoul National University)
Hanson Ling (Grad. Student, Univ. West. Australia, Citizen of New Zealand)
2. Kazakhstan
Taras Panamarev, doctoral student, Kazakh national, originally from FAI, now at University of Heidelberg, Germany, models of galactic center stellar dynamics
Denis Yurin, postdoc, former Heidelberg, now FAI; equilibrium models of 3D stellar systems
Maxim Makukov, postdoc, FAI; stellar collisions in galactic nuclei
3. China (NAOC/KIAA and Silk Road Collaborators)
Rainer Spurzem (Professor, Silk Road Project at NAOC/KIAA) computational astrophysics, stellar dynamics and gravitational waves,citizen of Germany
Richard de Grijs (Professor, KIAA) young massive star clusters, Internal star cluster dynamics, citizen of Netherlands
- Ma Chao (student of Richard de Grijs, KIAA): On star clusters in starburst rings -- stellar population synthesis
Deng Licai (Professor, NAOC) observing star cluster
Li Shuo, postdoc of Silk Road Project at NAOC, binary black holes in galactic nuclei
Shu Qi, student of Rainer Spurzem/Thijs Kouwenhoven at KIAA/PKU; planetary systems in star clusters
Matthias Kuehtreiber, visiting student of Rainer Spurzem at KIAA/PKU (Chinese-Austria collaboration with Prof. Gerhard Hensler); chemodynamical evolution of galaxies, citizen of Austria
- Ji Yeon Seok (NAOC Lamost Fellow), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Protoplanetary Disks around Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri Star, citizen of Rep. Korea
Jongsuk Hong (postdoc KIAA/PKU), formerly Indiana, formerly Seoul Natl. Univ., N-Body simulations of star clusters with multiple populations, citizen of Rep. Korea
Thijs M.B.N. Kouwenhoven (Professor, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool Univ. at Suzhou) formerly KIAA/PKU, working on dynamics of planetary systems in
star clusters and stability of planetary systems, citizen of Netherlands -
Li Zhongmu; (Professor, Dali Univ.) German-Chinese DFG/NSFC partnership, stellar populations in star clusters
- Stephen Justham; (Professor, UCAS), compact objects, star clusters, stellar mass black holes
4. China (YNAO)
- Jinming Bai (Professor, Director YNAO)
- Zhanwen HAN, "An overview of the work of the BPS group"
- Fenghui ZHANG, "Evolutionary population synthesis models with binaries"
- Dengkai JIANG, "The formation of anomalous stars and multiple stellar populations in globular clusters"
- Hongwei GE, "Stability of mass transfer in binaries"
- Hailiang CHEN, "Modelling accreting white dwarf populations in galaxies"
- Xiangcun MENG, "CE-wind model of type Ia supernovae"
- Xuefei CHEN, no talk
- Shiyan Zhong (Postdoc), tidal disruption, dynamics of galactic nuclei
Links to previous meetings: 7th Korea-China-Kazakhstan Workshop