3rd Korean-Chinese Meeting on Astrodynamics for Stars and Galaxies
It's Organised jointly by Hyung Mok Lee and Rainer Spurzem, will be organised this time in Beijing at NAOC, Dec. 19-20, 2011. This year we include a gravitational wave and relativity day (Dec. 21)
Dec. 19-20, 2011: National Astronomical Observatory of China Function Room Ground Floor Building A
Contact: Rainer Spurzem (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Dec. 21, 2011: FIT Building Room 1-315, Tsinghua University.
Map how to reach this location.
Contact: Junwei Cao, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Two conference pictures: IMG1, IMG2
Workshop Programme:
All talks approximately 25 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion. Each Session will have a coffee/tea break in the middle. Please note this is an informal workshop with NO registration fee - snacks and hot drinks will be supplied in the breaks, but no lunch/dinner. There are restaurants and dining halls on campus and out of campus to have a self-organised lunch and dinner. Arrival Information how to reach NAOC and NAOC guesthouse can be found here and here (conference booklet of MODEST10, 7MB!).
Monday, Dec. 19, Morning Session, 9:00 - 12:00
- Welcome (Hyung Mok Lee, Rainer Spurzem)
- Hyung Mok LEE (SNU): What we would like to see with advanced LIGO and Virgo?
- Rainer SPURZEM (NAOC/KIAA/ARI): Supermassive Binary Black Holes with Spin in Galactic Nuclei
- Youjun LU (NAOC): Hypervelocity Stars from the Galactic Center
- Shiyan ZHONG (NAOC): Tidal Star Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei
Monday, Dec. 19, Afternoon Session: 14:00 - 17:00
- Fukun LIU (PKU): Observational Evidence for Binary Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei
- Xian CHEN (KIAA): Enhanced Tidal Star Accretion on Supermassive Binary Black Holes
- Shuo Li (PKU/NAOC): Supermassive Black Holes kicked from galactic centers
- Jongsuk HONG (SNU): Binary formation by gravitational radiation in stellar systems
- Daniel BIALAS (ARI/NAOC): Harassment of Galaxies with N-Body Model
Tuesday, Dec. 20, Morning Session: 9:00 - 12:00
- Peter BERCZIK (NAOC/ARI/MAO): Fast Coalescence of Supermassive Black Holes after Galaxy Mergers
- Baile LI (Vanderbilt/NAOC): Post-Newtonian Dynamics around supermassive Black Holes
- Lei LIU (NAOC/ARI): Chemodynamical Models of Stars and Gas in Galaxies
- Jihye SHIN (KHU): Size Evolution of the Milky Way Globular Cluster System
- Sung Chul KIM (SNU): Evolution of rotating star clusters
Tuesday, Dec. 20, Afternoon Session: 14:00 - 17:00
- Yong ZHENG (PKU): 'Binary Segregation' in the young globular cluster NGC1818
- Young Bok BAE (SNU): Compact binaries in globular clusters
- Wei HAO (KIAA): The cumulative effect of distant stellar encounters on multi-planet systems in star clusters
- Shangfei LIU (KIAA): On the interactions between Saturn's ring and the embedded moonlets: Some preliminary simulations using the REBOUND code
- Rainer SPURZEM (NAOC): Short Report from the GTC2011 Asia in Beijing last week, on the path to Exascale with GPU?
Wednesday, Dec. 21: Gravitational Wave and Relativity Day at Tsinghua University
FIT Building Room 1-315, Tsinghua University. Map how to reach this location.
Morning Session: 9:00 - 12:00
- Junwei Cao (Tsinghua): Activities in Tsinghua
- H.K. Lee (Hanyang): GRB Models
- Xiaoge Wang (Tsinghua): SVM Analysis
- C. Lee (PNU): Binary Evolution
- Zhihui Du (Tsinghua): GPU Analysis
- G. W. Kang (KISTI): Numerical Relativity in Korea
Afternoon Session: 14:00 – 17:00
- Jianfeng Zhou (Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics): Build a GRID environment on THCA
- C. Kim (WVU-USA): Parameter Estimation
- K. M. Kim (Hanyang/NIMS): GRB Searches
- Y. B. Kim (SNU): QUEST and ROTSE Image Analyses
- Y. M. Kim (PNU/NIMS) Multi-variate Analysis
- H. Cho (PNU/NIMS) Waveforms of Binary Mergers with Spin
- R. Spurzem (NAOC): German-Chinese Gravitational Wave Cooperation