Draft Agenda Informal Mini-Workshop
Stellar Dynamics/Stellar Evolution/Single/Binary Stars/…
Monday to Thursday, Oct. 14-17 KIAA and NAOC
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, Oct. 14, 15:30-18, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Rainer Spurzem: Welcome and LIGO events in DRAGON simulations
Bhusan Kayastha: Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters with White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes using the GPU Supercomputer
Grzegorz Wiktorowicz: The hidden population of ULXs
Pau Amaro-Seoane: Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (X-MRIs)
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 14-17, KIAA Seminar Room 208
Mirek Giersz: Dissolution of tidally filling star clusters harbouring black hole subsystems
Francesco Rizzuto: Formation of massive objects in star clusters
Agostino Leveque: Preliminary study of Extra-Galactic globular clusters and embedded gas globular clusters with MOCCA
Qi Shu: Some current questions on data analysis of Dragon simulations
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 11:30-13:30, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Richard de Grijs: Towards an improved local distance framework
Jarrod Hurley: single and binary stellar evolution (SSE and BSE) developments
Zhongmu Li: Binary Populations in Star Clusters
- Stamatis Vretinaris: On Neutron Star Mergers
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 18-20, NAOC Seminar Room A308
Social Meeting with Snacks and Drinks
Thursday, Oct. 17, 10-12, KIAA Seminar Room 208:
Shuo Li: Supermassive black holes and stellar objects in galaxy mergers
Alejandro Torres-Orjuela: Gravitational Waves from Fast-Moving Sources
Francesco Flammini: Planetary systems in star clusters
Albrecht Kamlah: Data analysis for galactic center DRAGON
First Project Meeting at ARI Heidelberg, Germany, May 31 - June 1, 2017
Seminar Room 2 (Basement ARI), 13-16:30 (Wed), 13-15:30 (Thu)
Trilateral Cooperation Germany/Ukraine/Russia funded by Volkswagen Foundation:
Dynamical mechanisms of accretion in galactic nuclei
P.I.s: R。 Spurzem, A. Just (ARI Heidelberg), E. Polyachenko (INASAN, Moscow), P. Berczik (MAO, Kiev)
Wednesday, May 31:
13:00 Rainer Spurzem and P.I.s; Welcome/Project Presentation/Overview/Plan
13:30: Evgenii Polyachenko: Linear theory predictions (here also download of: Talk E.P. given in Nov. 2017 in Princeton)
14:00: Peter Berczik: Dynamical mechanisms of accretion in galactic nuclei (here youtube video of: Talk P.B. given in Nov. 2017 in Princeton)
14:30: Coffee Break
15:00 Sergey Khoperskov: New models of AGN disks Movie1 Movie2
15:30 Fabian Klein: Progress of high performance simulations of an accretion disk surrounding a supermassive black hole
16:00 Rainer plus other P.I.s; Summary for Trilateral/Next Plans
16:30 CLOSED Session P.I.s: Financial and Administrative Planning
17:00 END
Thursday, June 1:
13:00: Sara Rastello: Dynamical study of the MW Nuclear Stellar Cluster and its Secular Evolution
13:30: Manuel Arca Sedda: The MEGaN project: investigating the evolution of galactic nuclei and their environment
14:00: Taras Panamarev: Direct N-body simulation of the Galactic Centre
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00: Rainer Spurzem: Tidal Disruption Events in Galacti Nuclei
15:30: Farewell and End
EWASS 2013 Turku Finland, July 8-12, 2013; Logomo Centre
(European Week of Astronomy and Space Science) - Special Session 9:
Stellar dynamics and celestial mechanics in modern astrophysics (see scientfic rationale below)
PIs: Rainer Spurzem, Seppo Mikkola
SOC: Douglas Heggie, Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Simon Portegies Zwart, Tal Alexander, Torsten Boeker, Mirek Giersz
Till May 31 it is still possible to submit abstracts!!!!! And early registration deadline May 31!!! See below...
NEW: Current List of accepted talks and posters (in alphabetical order, detailed programme not ready yet):
TALKS: Abstract ID/Author(s)/Title | ||
565 | Banerjee, Sambaran | Did the R136 and NGC 3603 young star clusters form through single starbursts? |
485 | Berczik, Peter | Galactic Star Cluster mass evolution. High performance star by star simulations. |
553 | Boily, Christian | Self-selection of binaries in compact young clusters & associations |
476 |
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Roberto (R) |
Nuclear Star Clusters formation |
549 | Feng, Fabo | The history of comet impacts modulated by the solar motion |
590 | Jiang, Ing-Guey | On the Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Ring Galaxies |
430 | Just, Andreas | On the dissolution of open star clusters |
445 | Shukirgaliyev, Bekdaulet | Capturing stars into massive black holes via accretion disks |
186 | Mapelli, Michela | The joint impact of dynamics and metallicity on the early evolution of dense young star clusters CANCELLED!! |
859 | Mikkola, Seppo (R) | A review of regularization methods for the few-body problem |
498 | Spera, Mario | An application of High Performance GPU computing to understanding the process of violent mass segregation in star clusters. |
1635 | Spurzem, Rainer (R) | Fokker-Planck and Monte Carlo - past and future |
Posters | ||
531 | Tsai, Maxwell Xu | Planetary System in Star Clusters |
95 | Yeh, Li-Chin | The Existence of Equilibrium Points of Galactic Systems with Binary Black Holes |
Everyone interested to present in our Session please:
- look at http://www.astro.utu.fi/EWASS2013/ for general information;
- Registration and abstract submission MUST be done via the EWASS web-pages: http://www.astro.utu.fi/EWASS2013/registration.php and http://www.astro.utu.fi/EWASS2013/abstracts.php
- Deadline: *** May 31 *** (Early Registration), June 30 (Deadline Registration)
- Deadline for abstract submission extended to 31th May for S3,S7,S8,S9,S11,S12(only posters),Sp1,Sp5,Sp7,Sp8,Sp9,Sp11,Sp12,Sp13,Sp14(Abstract Submission)
Both oral and poster contributions are welcome. The SOC shall decide about acceptance of all contributions and their form (poster, short oral, possible longer oral) by May 15, 2013. Oral contributions that are not selected due to insufficient time slots, can be presented in poster format during the first poster session of the EWASS week (Monday to Wednesday); a short poster presentation in our special session is planned. For further information, please check for updates on our web-site, and do not hesitate to contact us at this e-mail address. On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee Rainer Spurzem, Seppo Mikkola
Please also visis the webpages of two related special sessions, we coordinate our programs with their organisers:
Sp6: AGN, galaxy mergers, supermassive black holes and gravitational waves (PI Stefanie Komossa/Mauri Valtonen)
Sp10: Chemo-dynamical galaxy evolution (PI Gerhard Hensler)
The scientific rationale of our meeting:
Traditional Methods of stellar dynamics and celestial mechanics experience a revival due to modern supercomputers and astrophysical observations. Multi-Planetary Systems have been detected, exhibiting resonances, raising theoretical questions about their origin and stability. Dense star clusters, whether they are young clusters in our own galaxies, nuclear central star clusters with or without massive black holes in other galaxies are dynamically dominated by two-body relaxation, binaries, and possibly resonant configurations of black holes. In these session we want to bring together the cutting edge experts and promising young students and scientists in the fields of mathematical methods, high-accuracy numerical simulation and astrophysical observations - bridging the gaps between celestial mechanics and stellar dynamics from extrasolar planetary systems, through star clusters, to galactic nuclei with nuclear dense star clusters.
5th China-Korea workshop on stellar dynamics and gravitational waves
Dec 12/13, 2013
NAOC, Room A601
Hosted by Hyung Mok Lee (SNU) and Rainer Spurzem (NAOC)
Talks: Long (30 mins), including 10 mins discussion
Short (15 mins), including 5 mins discussion
Lunch on Thursday: Lunch Boxes offered, order in coffee break before
Thursday, Dec. 12, Morning Session 09:30 – 12:00
Welcome, Opening, Introduction: Hyung Mok Lee and Rainer Spurzem (15 mins)
Hee Il KIM (KISTI and Seoul National Univ.): Relativistic hydrodynamics (30 mins)
Shuo LI (NAOC, Silk Road Project): Tidal Disruption: a probe for understanding the evolution of supermassive black hole binaries (30 mins)
Coffee/Tea Break 10:45 – 11:15
Shiyan ZHONG (NAOC, Silk Road Project): Supermassive black holes accreting stars through tidal disruption in axisymmetric galactic nuclei (30 mins)
Yohai MEIRON (KIAA, Silk Road Project): N-Body simulations with series expansion methods in stellar dynamics (30 mins)
LUNCH Break (12:15 – 13:30)
Thursday, Dec. 12, Afternoon Session
Gareth KENNEDY (NAOC, Silk Road Project): The role of three-body stability in tidally interacting globular clusters. (30 mins)
Jose FIESTAS (NAOC, Silk Road Project): Stellar distributions in multi-mass rotating clusters with Black Holes (30 mins)
Long WANG (KIAA, Silk Road Project): Star Cluster Simulations with GPUs and NBODY6++ and Ejected Stars, Hardening and Eccentricity Growth of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries (30 mins)
Rainer SPURZEM (NAOC/KIAA, Silk Road Project): Pulsar Timing and its role to detect gravitational waves of Supermassive Black Holes (30 mins)
Coffee/Tea Break 15:30 – 16:00
Maxwell TSAI (Xu CAI) (NAOC, Silk Road Project): N-Body simulations in AMUSE and new visualization methods, including astrophysical parameters. (30 mins)
Siyi HUANG (NAOC, Silk Road Project): A detailed timing and profiling model of NBODY6++ using MPI and GPU parallelization (15 mins)
Paulina ASSMANN (Univ. Chile, Silk Road Project): Post-Newtonian Dynamics of Black Holes with Spin in Star Cluster Simulations with NBODY6++ (30 mins)
Bekdaulet SHUKIRGALIYEV (Fesenkov Institute, Almaty, STARDISK project): Dynamics of dense star clusters around supermassive black holes with and without central gas disks (30 mins)
End of Session 17:45
Friday, Dec. 13, Morning Session 10:00 – 11:00
(Talk 20 mins = 15 mins + 5 mins discussion)
Changhua LI (Center of Information and Computing and Silk Road Project, NAOC): Short Report on the laohu GPU cluster usage at NAOC (20 mins)
Peter BERCZIK (NAOC/Heidelberg, Silk Road Project): Current and future status of hardware testing with Kepler GPUs and Intel MICs (20 mins)
Discussion of current and future projects; summary (Hyung Mok Lee and Rainer Spurzem, Panel and Plenary Discussion)
End of Session: 11:00
Coffee Break available 11:00 – 11:30
Click here to download PDF version of the programme.
Questions please to Rainer Spurzem ( spurzem _at_ nao.cas.cn ) or Hyung Mok Lee (hmlee _at_ snu.ac.kr).